Hi Everyone!
Was just thinking about the ways in which folks have talked about what they want to get out of the blogging, ie: Library information, book club, book reviews, etc. I was wondering if you have thought about ways to incorporate the students with the blog? I know at Shen, the librarians do not allow the students to post on the blog (they can comment), but they are encouraged to write up and email a blog post to the librarians. This way, the librarians can read the blog post to make sure that it is appropriate both to the library and appropriate in language, etc.
Do any of you have any ideas of ways to utilize blogging for students of each level? I would be very interested in hearing your ideas!
Stay cool folks! It's gonna be a hot one today!
I'm not sure how I'll be incorporating blogging into my library yet, but we are thinking about having students keep a blog in the 12th grade economics and government classes. They will keep it each week to discuss current events and will eventually use it for a research project. They'll be blogging their research process and ultimately posting 2-3 final, polished posts as the result of their research. I'm looking forward to it!